I have been currently been working on my digitization project for a class I am taking. I also have to start getting ready for tax season receipts.
We usually send out bibliographic receipts to material's donors whenever we get the materials and catalog them, usually within the space of a few weeks for most donations. However, there are circumstances, like the number of books donated, that prohibit us from following our normal work flow procedures. We then must do a receipt more in line with traditional donation receipts, listing the total number of books received broken down by type (hard cover, softcover, etc.) and then just a count.
This year, we should have no problems completing our donations receipts.
One thing that is beneficial for the libraries: If you wanted to donate a little something, but didn't want to give just a few dollars, we encourage you to consider giving a subscription of a periodical to the libraries as a possible donation. Talk to us about what magazines / journals / periodicals would be beneficial to our libraries. We can tell you what we already receive, or whether a subscription of something we already get is coming due soon, or even if there is something we should be getting and do not do so. All is definitely appreciated.
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